Moreover, a signal that China will weaken its currency could also provoke a rapid outflow of capital. 另外,中国将令人民币贬值的信号,可能还会造成资金快速外流。
But both these inflows of foreign exchange were outdone by a record outflow of other kinds of capital, amounting to a net$ 110 billion. 但是其他形式的资本大量流出,远超过了这些外汇资本的流入,其净额达到1100亿美元。
The analysis indicated some autonomous net outflow of capital, financed in part by the current account surplus. 分析指出香港录得一些资金自动流出净额,而部分资金是源自往来帐的盈馀额。
Russia has run current-account surpluses for many years, yet it has also been badly hit by an outflow of capital and a credit freeze. 虽然俄罗斯多年处于经常帐户盈余,但资本再次外流和信贷紧缩的问题也给它带来当头一棒。
Any fall in aid would come on top of a dramatic outflow of private capital from emerging economies since the crisis started. 自危机开始以来,私人资本大举撤出新兴经济体,若援助额再有所下降,必然雪上加霜。
Still, the economist is still likely to see the merits of a brain-drain tax on the outflow of human capital. 不过,这位经济学家可能还是看到对人力资本外流征收一种人才外流税的种种优点。
It's well known that the inflow and outflow of capital are two necessary factors of the open policy in capital area. 众所周知,吸收外资和对外投资是资本领域内对外开放的两个不可或缺的组成部分。
An Economic Analysis of the Outflow of Developing Countries 'Human Capital and Its Countermeasures 发展中国家人力资本外流的经济学分析
The inflow and outflow of capital is restrained, though China has achieved part opening of capital account. 目前,中国虽然已经实现资本账户的部分开放,但资本流入(出)仍受限制;
An outflow of Russian capital has provoked a widespread concern of international economic and financial circles. 俄罗斯的资本外逃问题引起了国际经济界和金融界的广泛关注。
The figure of outflow of capital in China now has gone beyond the level of international warning line. 目前我国的资本外逃已经超出了国际上的警戒水平。
State manipulation& guidance must be insured in the process of opening up domestic securities market so as to safeguard ownership and avoid serious outflow of capital. 无论是向外国投资者开放国内证券市场还是允许境内投资者到境外证券市场投资,对国内资本进入国际资本市场,国家必须加强管理和引导,以避免国有资产产权受到侵害,资金严重外流。
A continued inflow of foreign capital higher than outflow of domestic capital, especially direct foreign investment increased each year and the scale grew larger and larger, 3.Inefficiency in using domestic capital and enormous waste. 外资流入持续高于我国资本输出,尤其是外商直接投资逐年增加,且规模越来越大;3.国内资金使用效率低、浪费大。
A Review on Outflow Mechanism of Venture Capital From the Perspective of European Experience 欧洲风险资本的退出机制分析
Under the influence of market mechanism, capital outflow speeds up due to profit-hunting nature of capital, resulting in a hefty capital gap in the countryside and unbalanced urban and rural economic development. 在市场机制作用下,资本趋利性使资本外流进一步加剧,在农村形成了巨大的资本缺口,致使城乡经济发展失衡。
Outflow of Capital in Russia 俄罗斯资本外逃及其对我国的启示
With the opening of currency market and security market, the free flow of capital will bring many difficult problems to China's economy, financial macro-control and supervision. The inflow and outflow of large amount of short-term capital will bring great threat to China's financial security. 随着货币市场、证券市场的不断开放,资本的自由流动将给我国经济、金融宏观调控和金融监管带来许多难题,大量短期资本的流入和流出就会对我国的金融安全构成极大威胁。
This indicated that the capital supply for grain production in Jiangsu Province is seriously insufficient, and the capital gap can only be made up by private finance. Fourth, the primary reason which causes the insufficient of agricultural credit supply is the outflow of rural capital. 这说明江苏省粮食生产的资金供给严重不足,其资金缺口只能由民间金融弥补。4、农业信贷供给不足的主要原因在于农村资金外流。
These problems have caused the outflow of capital from rural areas, hampering the development of rural economy and finance in China. 这些问题的存在导致大量农村资金外流,严重制约了我国农村经济金融的发展。
Besides, with the scale of foreign capital expands, the outflow of profits and withdraw of foreign capital will be increasing accordingly. 此外,随着外资流入规模的不断扩大,利润的汇出和外资的撤回也会相应增大,这些都会对我国的经常项目构成威胁。
On the one hand, the outflow of equity capital in rural areas. 一方面,农村自有资本外流。
The core country which has agglomeration can levy an appropriate agglomeration rents on firms. It will not touch off outflow of capital to peripheral country. 有经济集聚的核心国可以凭借经济集聚对所在企业征收一个适当的集聚租金,同时不会触发资本外流到外围国。
There is no foreign exchange income and expenditure to achieve a balanced state, a very important aspect of more stringent capital project management; large capital inflows are less domestic outflow there is a huge surplus of capital projects. 外汇收支目前没有达到一个平衡的状态,很重要的一个方面是资本项目管理比较严格,大量资本流入国内却较少的流出,资本项目方面存在巨大顺差。
The urban can obtain benefits as high as 1,300 billion Yuan from the outflow of rural human capital each year. 城市每年从农村人力资本流出中获得的收益保守估计高达1.3万亿元,这是导致城乡收入差距扩大的原因之一。
Capital account control is a kind of restrictive measure which influences capital transfer and business transactions including the inflow and outflow of the capital and the assets of residents and non-residents. 资本项目管制是对资本流动所实施的限制性措施,以影响资本转移和交易的完成与执行,涉及资本的流入、流出以及非居民在国内或居民在国外持有的资产。
However, the widening of regional income gap can bring about many problems for underdeveloped regions such as outflow of much-needed investment capital, exodus of professionals, resulting to further stagnation of regional economy and vicious circle. 但是,区域收入差异不断扩大,对欠发达区域而言,造成它们发展所需的资金流失,特别是有能力的人才大量迁往发达区域,从而使欠发达区域经济增长更加迟缓,导致恶性循环。
Accordingly, in areas with high level of economic development, human capital and economic development would form a positive interaction, which does not exist in areas with low level of economic development that would otherwise lead to outflow of human capital. 这样以来,经济发展水平高的地区,人力资本与经济发展便会形成良性互动,而经济发展水平低的地区则不存在这一良性互动关系,反而会由于经济的落后导致人力资本的外流。
Large outflow of short-term cross-border capital form the impact of China 'sinternational reserves, endangering the economic fundamentals. 短期跨境资本的大量流出则会对中国国际储备形成冲击,甚至会危及经济基本面。
However, the dual structure of urban and rural finance is an aggravation issue which leads to the low coverage of financial institutions, shortage of financial supply, inadequacy of competitive forces, outflow of capital, and lots of other problems in rural areas. 但是我国城乡金融二元化结构的问题严重,导致了农村地区金融机构覆盖面低、金融供给不足、竞争不充分、农村资金外流等诸多问题。